Check Out SureCan U.S.A.'s 2017 Product Guide Featuring THE ORIGINAL SureCage Lockable Gas Can Rack for SureCan!
Make sure you guys head over to SureCan's website to check out the 2017 Product and Equipment Guide featuring THE ORIGINAL SureCage lockable gas can rack for SureCans. Our product is currently made in the U.S.A. and is manufactured with 100% Steel. No springs or moving parts. Just a simple design to secure and organize your SureCan gas cans. The five gallon locklable SureCage will be in our warehouse withing the next two weeks for purchase just in time for the holidays. Our SureCage can be mounted to any style trailer as well as garage and warehouse walls. Thanks for choosing Green Touch Industries and remember #STAYORIGINAL.
Link to SureCan 2017 Product Guide: