Effortless Precision: Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer Video

Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer: Powerful Precision - Video

Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer: Powerful Precision - Video

Experience the Future of Spraying with the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer

Watch this video to see how the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer delivers powerful precision and effortless application for all your spraying needs!

About the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer

Embrace a new era of precision spraying with the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer!

Say goodbye to manual pumping and heavy, inefficient sprayers. This essential tool for herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers not only saves time and effort but also delivers superior results.

Its ergonomic design ensures even coverage for large areas and access to hard-to-reach spots. With adjustable pressure settings, it's easy to apply the right amount of pressure for any job, increasing efficiency and saving time.

The comfortable backpack design evenly distributes the weight of the liquid, enhancing user experience. Featuring Xtreme Pro Series neon-green color, an 18-volt rechargeable battery with a charger, heavy-duty handle and braided hose, this sprayer operates at 58 PSI, offers high low-flow switch capability, and covers up to 40 tanks per charge with its 4-gallon tank.

Elevate your spraying game effortlessly with the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer!

Learn More and Purchase the Strom® Battery-powered Backpack Sprayer →